About Jorge

All Around North America

My name is Jorge Balestra and I was born in Mexico City, Mexico with a family of four; two parents and one younger sibling. We moved to a suburb in Chicago when I was 5 years old and later moved to Canada when I was 11. I finally moved back to the United States in 2015, where me and my family have resided for the past 5 years. Overall, I have lived across all the major countries in North America which is something that I feel has defined my life.

Things I Can Do

I am a sophomore currently in the Pre-Engineering program at UIUC but I plan to transfer to Information Sciences in the near future. Hobbies that I have include playing video games, reading books, lifting weights and swimming. These are my favorite activities to do when I'm not busy doing work.

A Few Accomplishments

Some of my most proud accomplishments include going under 1 minute in the 100 butterfly in my senior year of high school. Another noteworthy accomplishment I have done is getting into UIUC because it was my number one school and it is a prestigious school to get into so I was incredibly proud to get into it.